But the company is having a hard time finding Congressional backers.
Now, the N.R.A., groups favoring gun control and Congressional backers of both sides support the same basic concept.
Legislation supported by the Administration and its Congressional backers last year would have excluded up to 30 percent of capital gains from taxes.
Mr. Reagan supported that law although many of its Congressional backers hoped then it would force him to accept tax increases.
In spite of the skepticism, some Congressional backers of the proposal vowed to press on.
The Israelis are not inclined to do that, but it is not clear where their Congressional backers stand.
Congressional backers of the legislation take issue with the criticisms.
The administration and its Congressional backers want to give the impression that they are fighting a courageous battle against those who would wittingly or unknowingly help the terrorists.
Last week Congressional backers of the commission wrote the president, asking whether he would veto the intelligence bill if it included the deal worked out on Oct. 10.
But in contrast to its last efforts, the company is having a hard time finding Congressional backers for its plan.