In 2000, she helped write a proposal to spend $150 million on a tracking system that never won Congressional backing.
Mr. Bush is also seeking Congressional backing for other proposals in the aid package.
This year the administration gained enough Congressional backing to reduce that amount significantly, in some cases cutting it by half or more.
The base for Congressional backing has come from the dozen or so states that have received the most lucrative contracts.
But to assure the widest possible support for the new approach, Administration officials say, Congressional backing may be sought.
So why then do not recording executives just refuse to pay independent promoters, something they can individually do without Congressional backing?
It also hopes to win Congressional backing for an 11th agreement.
It is too early to tell how much Congressional backing he has for such a move.
Proponents of the trade agreement still give it good odds of winning Congressional backing and, longer term, of being fully carried out.
But there's Congressional backing for doing even more.