George Bush and the Republicans have not yet been heard from, but even Congressional conservatives acknowledge that something must be done for the uninsured.
Congressional conservatives also made their displeasure about Mr. Nitze known.
The controversy over the call could prove deeply embarrassing to Judge Jones, a favorite among Congressional conservatives.
Congressional conservatives and some military leaders oppose the changes because they could reduce the Pentagon's control over intelligence budgets and operations.
Some Congressional conservatives have wisely cautioned against careless and hasty legislating.
Congressional conservatives, including Mr. Ashcroft when he was a senator, failed to push through a federal law to overturn it.
Congressional conservatives are already vowing to push through a law barring assisted suicide.
Some writers who prematurely introduced racial themes would later be blacklisted by their studios under pressure from Congressional conservatives.
Debate on Income Distribution A few Congressional conservatives have said that the data are simply wrong.
Congressional conservatives argue that the campaign crossed the line into illegal lobbying, a charge denied by the broadcasters.