Meanwhile, Congressional liberals are lobbying for a veto of any bill that emerges from the current negotiations, arguing that it will be flawed and too harsh on children.
Congressional liberals thought he was too kind to South Africa.
Congressional liberals voted repeatedly to cut off funding to our active troops, increasing the risk on their lives.
Those are two powerful reasons for Congressional liberals and moderates today to support the plan for non-military aid now proposed by House Speaker Jim Wright.
The Administration would like nothing better than to have the peace talks collapse, and be able to fault both the Sandinistas and Congressional liberals.
The problem simply will be dumped on the next President, with Congressional liberals and moderates on the defensive.
They also hope it will calm Congressional liberals who worry how a Government run by a self-described progressive Democrat can be more active when it has less money to spend.
The adjustments are intended, for example, to make it easier for states to set up government-financed systems in an attempt to build support among Congressional liberals.
Rather than appreciating the virtuosity of this performance, however, many Congressional liberals have chafed at Mr. Clinton's incrementalism and his slights.
Many Congressional liberals were unyielding, insisting, for example, that complicated food labeling regulations apply to restaurant menus.