Critics of the Congressional move say that all proposed sites carry potential problems, but that the new procedure will not allow them to be weighed against each other.
Yet as recently as July, the Administration felt so relaxed about Iraq's nuclear threat that it fought Congressional moves toward sanctions.
But some Congressional moves would cut programs designed to stimulate economic self-sufficiency for tribes.
A Congressional move now under way would not affect the local ownership rules, only national ones.
The ban, which polls show has popular support, would have been the first Congressional move to outlaw a particular abortion method.
It was hardly business as usual, and the effect of Mr. Clinton's woes on Washington will only grow with each Congressional move toward impeachment.
"Such a step would undoubtedly result in considerable domestic criticism and perhaps a Congressional move to make such activity unlawful," the memo said.
At the same time, the Congressional move to write the Fairness Doctrine into law is being led by liberals.
They expressed concern that any Congressional move to curtail the American naval presence in the region could undermine that confidence.
The ban, had it survived, would have been the first Congressional move to outlaw a particular abortion method.