It seems that President Clinton has calculated that public condemnation of China's behavior would threaten chances of Congressional ratification.
It was in Cincinnati on Oct. 7, 2002, that Mr. Bush gave the fateful address that sped Congressional ratification of the war just days later.
The Bush Administration responded by delaying a request for Congressional ratification of the treaty.
He is for a free-trade agreement with Mexico but not necessarily for the one now awaiting Congressional ratification.
The Supreme Court would likely construe the change as a Congressional ratification of its rulings and a green light for more rulings like them.
Before he began the political slide that led to last week's electoral defeat, the President had planned to have already won Congressional ratification for the global pact on tariffs and trade.
The allotments were to be selected by the individual tribal members within 90 days of Congressional ratification of the agreement.
Sixty-nine allotments of land were agreed to, plus a like allotment for any future tribal member born after the agreement was signed, but alive by the date of Congressional ratification.
So, for example, Presidents have used semantic tricks to minimize the role of Congress in military engagements and get around the deadlines for Congressional ratification.
The Administration opposes Congressional ratification of a 1974 treaty that limits the size of underground nuclear explosions to 150 kilotons unless verification of the agreement is improved.