After pressure grew, the Temple learned that Stoen would accompany a Congressional investigatory trip by Leo Ryan to Guyana.
After the study was released, General Atomics decided to sponsor less than $10,000 worth of Congressional trips a year.
The farthest Congressional trip was from Washington to Hawaii, via Iowa.
Fact-finding Congressional trips are tailored to cross paths with golf resorts.
This is not a good time to be taking Congressional trips to exotic climes.
When his appointment ran into trouble, Foreign Service officers telephoned reporters anonymously to complain about his imperious behavior on Congressional trips.
He meticulously details Nixon's participation in a key 1947 Congressional trip to Europe, seeing it as an early case of Nixon's leadership in foreign affairs.
"Please advise if the CODEL will now pursue commercial air," it concluded, referring to the Congressional trip.
The lapel pins are made by the Air Force and are standard issue for official Congressional trips to foreign countries.
I visited the Philippines on a Congressional fact-finding trip within the last weeks, shortly before the coup.