Congratulations, Congressman Lewis, on being awarded the Medal of Freedom.
"Congressman Lewis, we appreciate your concerns and understand your feelings."
I need not remind you, Congressman Lewis, that it has been the policy of Germany since unification to disarm.
Besides, some of Congressman Lewis's friends back in D.C. will be all for it.
"Your memory is good, Scotty, almost as good as Congressman Lewis's."
That is what Congressman Lewis meant by a nonviolent revolution.
Congressman Lewis has not faced any remotely serious challenge in his career, seeing as the 5th district is rooted in the city of Atlanta.
The exception was the American Congressman Lewis, depicted as younger and much more worldly than other dignitaries.
Just as with the previous election, Congressman Lewis was unopposed in the general election and coasted to re-election.
Congressman Lewis and others who want to abolish the agency argue that a draft-registration system could be quickly re-established in an emergency.