"This contest is an excellent way for students to creatively showcase the importance of saying no to drugs, saying yes to life," said Congressman Reyes.
To meet these challenges, Congressman Reyes is working to support the development and expansion of existing healthcare assets in El Paso.
If you have any questions or need any additional information feel free to contact Congressman Reyes' office at 202-225-4831.
Congressman Reyes is a strong advocate for expanding educational and career opportunities for under-represented minorities in the United States.
Congressman Reyes is fighting to ensure that the new grant program is funded.
Congressman Reyes continues to seek additional research activities and funding and is working to raise the profile of the MCA nationally.
Congressman Reyes will continue to fight for strong Social Security and Medicare programs for America's retirees.
Congressman Reyes opposes efforts to privatize the Social Security system or otherwise reduce benefits for seniors and the disabled.
Congressman Reyes is focused on efforts strengthening our middle class and ensuring fair treatment for those who work for a living.
"This park represents the unwavering support from the El Paso community for Adrian and his family," said Congressman Reyes.