Be prepared to pay more for gas, a survey released yesterday by the city's Consumer Affairs Commissioner said.
Mr. Green, the former city Consumer Affairs Commissioner, has also been the leading spender.
Of them, Mark Green, the former Consumer Affairs Commissioner, is the front-runner.
Mr. Green, the city's Consumer Affairs Commissioner, is adept at getting publicity, not only for himself but for issues that can benefit from public awareness.
"In too many cases, electronics store customers are not getting what they pay for," said Jose Maldonado, the city's Consumer Affairs Commissioner.
Later he served for four years as Mayor Koch's Consumer Affairs Commissioner.
Mark Green resigns as Consumer Affairs Commissioner.
In 1992, Mark Green, then Consumer Affairs Commissioner, proposed a law to ban discos from operating within 200 feet of residential buildings.
He said his emphasis on getting media attention while the Consumer Affairs Commissioner was simply the best way of exposing the wrongs done to consumers.
From 1990 to 1993, Green was Consumer Affairs Commissioner of New York City.
Be prepared to pay more for gas, a survey released yesterday by the city's Consumer Affairs Commissioner said.
Mr. Green, the former city Consumer Affairs Commissioner, has also been the leading spender.
Of them, Mark Green, the former Consumer Affairs Commissioner, is the front-runner.
Mr. Green, the city's Consumer Affairs Commissioner, is adept at getting publicity, not only for himself but for issues that can benefit from public awareness.
"In too many cases, electronics store customers are not getting what they pay for," said Jose Maldonado, the city's Consumer Affairs Commissioner.
Later he served for four years as Mayor Koch's Consumer Affairs Commissioner.
Mark Green resigns as Consumer Affairs Commissioner.
In 1992, Mark Green, then Consumer Affairs Commissioner, proposed a law to ban discos from operating within 200 feet of residential buildings.
He said his emphasis on getting media attention while the Consumer Affairs Commissioner was simply the best way of exposing the wrongs done to consumers.
From 1990 to 1993, Green was Consumer Affairs Commissioner of New York City.