A significant part of the company's business since the 1990s has come from contingency operations support.
You might just say something like, "We're positioning our military forces for contingency operations as necessary."
At the same time, the 78th must provide trained and ready troops to support overseas contingency operations.
From that year they also started to contribute in other overseas contingency operations.
My security team, as I'm sure you know, has already briefed your teams about a wide range of contingency operations, should anything go wrong.
Since 1990, the brigade has participated in numerous contingency operations.
Since 1980 alone, the President has employed naval forces in crises and contingency operations almost 50 times.
The group is also responsible for wartime preparedness and contingency operations.
It deploys combat ready forces in support of worldwide contingency operations.
It also supported contingency operations through surveillance, air superiority and rescue forces.