Article 310 of the 1982 Convention specifies that "such statements and declarations cannot exclude or modify the legal effect of the provisions of the Convention" in their application.
The Convention specifies the colours for traffic lights and their meanings, and places and purposes lights may be used for, like so:
However since the Convention does not specify that the acceptance be directed towards the treaty parties it might not be possible to regard it as a collateral agreement.
The Convention specifies safeguarding measures additionally proclaimed by the directives of ICH and related guidelines.
The Convention specifies that 'stop' be written in English or the national language and allows an alternative circular yellow sign.
The Convention specifies a scientific and procedural review process that could lead to the addition of other POPs chemicals of global concern.
The Convention also specifies the requirements that requests for mutual assistance and letters rogatory have to meet (transmitting authorities, languages, refusal of mutual assistance).
The Convention on the Rights of the Child specifies that a child has the right from birth to a name.
For instance, the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs' Article 41 specifies that the treaty will terminate if, as a result of denunciations, the number of Parties falls below 40.
The Convention on International Civil Aviation, and particularly its Annex 8 Airworthiness of Aircraft, specify standards that must be met by each civil airplane and civil helicopter that is used in international aviation.