Lustra, 2008 / Colección Piedra/Sangre - Spanish International Cooperation Agency [AECID]).
Dutch Cooperation Agency (SNV)
As with the Bolivia and El Salvador operations, the projects executed in Guatemala were funded by the Spanish Cooperation Agency.
Director of the Brazilian Cooperation Agency in the Ministry of External Relations (1994-1995)
One example of Brazil's economic diplomacy strategy is the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), which is affiliated with the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations.
Its predecessor, the (Japan) International Cooperation Agency (also known as "JICA"), was a semigovernmental organization under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, formed in 1974.
There have been passed many years since its inauguration until in June 1997 and with the collaboration of the Spanish Cooperation Agency and the School - Workshop Asunción, began the project through a design competition.
The man driving the deal at the Pentagon - Lt. Gen. Tome H. Walters Jr. of the Air Force, director of the United States Defense Security Cooperation Agency - could not disagree more.
DFID (United Kingdom's Cooperation Agency)
GTZ (German Cooperation Agency)