The story draws from the Copper Scroll found at Qumran in 1952, which lists buried treasure.
His book, The Treasure of the Copper Scroll, was released in 1960, while the official publication had to wait another two years.
Jones died without finding such an urn, and his findings and readings of the Copper Scroll have not been accepted.
Among the display items are artifacts from the Qumran site and the Copper Scroll.
The following is an English translation of the opening lines of the Copper Scroll:
As a result he suggested the Copper Scroll was a separate deposit, separated by a "lapse in time."
Scholarly estimates of the probable date range of The Copper Scroll vary.
In this historical novel, Barabbas is the sworn protector of the Copper Scroll and the treasure it points to.
The program gives a basic knowledge of the research of the Copper Scroll and all the major theories of its interpretation.
Hebrew text of Copper Scroll with English translation (work in progress)