Correction: September 26, 1995, Tuesday An article on Friday about a decline in applications to law schools misstated the figures for New York University.
Correction: December 11, 1998, Friday An article in Circuits yesterday about holiday-related Web sites misstated two addresses.
Correction: July 1, 1996, Monday An article on Friday about a disturbance at a Harlem concert misstated its sponsorship and purpose.
Correction: September 26, 2001, Wednesday A recipe for challah last Wednesday misstated the amount of vegetable oil in Step 2.
Correction: June 11, 1999, Friday An article on Wednesday about the creation of two new elements misstated the atomic numbers of lead and krypton.
Correction: April 1, 1992, Wednesday An article yesterday about Bill Clinton's record as governor of Arkansas misstated his salary.
Correction: January 10, 2007, Wednesday An article last week about music in restaurants misstated the relationship between Muzak and 'Wichcraft restaurants.
Correction: January 25, 2005, Tuesday The obituary of Johnny Carson yesterday misstated the given name of a surviving son.
Correction: February 18, 1997, Tuesday A chart yesterday comparing the number and rate of hysterectomies with those for other kinds of major surgery misstated the rates.
Correction: February 26, 2002, Tuesday An obituary on Saturday about an art dealer and fine art publisher misstated his given name.