Water burbled nearby: Cottonwood Creek, a foot below its normal flow.
The private land contains many homes, some of which are right alongside Big Cottonwood Creek.
Upon their arrival at Cottonwood Creek, the men constructed a dugout twenty by thirty feet which they used as headquarters through the winter of 1875-1876.
The stream of Cottonwood Creek runs through this township.
The city is building a multi-use trail along the full length of Big Cottonwood Creek within its borders.
This mightiest of all rivers was named Cottonwood Creek.
The 1880 census found 237 people residing on homesteads strung along more than six miles of Cottonwood Creek.
A number of smelters operated along Little Cottonwood Creek during the 1870s.
It was named for the dense growth of trees that formerly lined Cottonwood Creek.
For most of its length, it follows Little Cottonwood Creek.