South of Eastgate, the city continues up Cougar Mountain.
Cougar Mountain contains species and habitats that were once common closer to Puget Sound.
Cougar Mountain is home to some Seattle area radio station's transmitters.
The source of Coal Creek is 1,400 feet above sea level on Cougar Mountain.
The park was established in June 1983 to protect the central core of Cougar Mountain.
Lake Boren is the largest body of water in the highlands of Cougar Mountain.
An old woods road, the trail is relatively flat and straight, offering a quick route into the heart of Cougar Mountain.
Manning himself lived on a developed section of Cougar Mountain in his "200 meter hut".
A fern-covered erratic the size of a garage is found on Cougar Mountain near Seattle.
They organized their first work unit, Cougar Mountain, in 1971, and successfully bid on reforestation projects.