But many of the Mayor's proposed cuts were different, targeting several programs the Council added to the budget in June.
Although he favored the concept, he did not approve of all the conditions the Council added before passing it, 41 to 6.
He said he was not convinced the Council had the power to enact it but added, "a good argument can be made."
So from each survivor of an attack we learn what he saw and heard, and the Council adds it to their great books.
The Council did add a modest reduction in property taxes for co-op and condo owners.
The Council added that it supports those States which support the liberation of these territories.
"Nothing that is genuinely human," the Council added, "fails to find an echo in their hearts."
The Council has also added a new task, which is to facilitate operational cooperation between Member States and third countries.
Now that the Council has added article 100A to the legal foundation, we trust that health, security and environmental protection will continue to be guaranteed.
When the Mayor came back with his recent vetoes, he left in the $15 million the Council had added back for the libraries.