With a vote on the budget plan scheduled today, the Council could still back away from its challenge and resume negotiations with the administration.
"To date your ideas have worked out well enough so that the Council is backing you one hundred percent," the older man said, dryly.
The Council of Supervisors and Administrators backed 150 candidates in 16 districts and recorded 98 successes.
I intend to do some horsetrading with Thrax, as you suggest, but I need to know first that the Council will back me.
Councils may look to local asset backed vehicles to solve the problem of funding infrastructure in a downturn.
There are rumours circulating that the Council is backing away from the use of vaccination, downgrading it on the scale of its importance.
The European Council backed the integrated approach proposed by the Commission early this December.
Unfortunately, the Council of Ministers has never backed it and it has taken years for this budgetary line to have the necessary legal base.
The Council itself provided for and backed this measure in its Decision of 31 October 1994.
The Council, I think, are backing Social Services.