The Council developed a set of voluntary guidelines that they suggest for the spirits industry and council members to follow.
Throughout the 1980s, the Council developed and began to advise nonprofit organizations in corporate, real estate, and tax law.
Like the fact that the Council has developed an intriguing little serum.
The Council develops a strategic plan for Kentucky's postsecondary and adult education system every four years.
These Councils will develop strategic plans that emphasize each region's strengths and unique assets.
We look forward to seeing how Council develops its strategy in light of the consultation.
He was, however, quick to see the future possibilities in the united program that the Council could develop as an official agency of cooperating churches.
To underpin their commitment, the Council developed common objectives in the fight against poverty and social exclusion.
Perhaps the summit has shown how important it is that the Council should develop in that direction.
For this reason, the Council has developed an action programme.