Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Over the next few days the CNAA report was national news.
For the CNAA the question was now clear and urgent.
That may be the major contribution of the CNAA in this field'.
Over the space of a decade the CNAA had become a different organization.
The CNAA was soon to face the situation in an even more dramatic way.
Within the CNAA the controversy was, to say the least, lively.
Almost all of its meetings discussed relations with the CNAA.
It is based on a survey involving 2,642 CNAA graduates from 1982.
The logic of the CNAA was not simple and uni-directional.
Overall report to CNAA on information technology across the Course.
These latter were envisaged as being the CNAA and the universities.
The CNAA has kept detailed records of its candidates.
Of the 15,547 students enrolled on CNAA courses three-quarters were in science and technology.
Such a change 'need not mean the conclusion of our relationship with CNAA.
This research work was sponsored by the CNAA.
Business studies and town planning were examples of early interdisciplinary courses approved by the CNAA.
To keep them in tutelage to the CNAA was both humiliating and unfair.
The eight members of the CNAA committee weren't.
Only a very small number of CNAA courses include elements of information skills instruction in them.
The CNAA was overwhelmingly concerned with the approval or otherwise of courses submitted to it.
One of the important new professional areas that grew under CNAA auspices was librarianship.
From these early visits the CNAA developed a keen interest in the role of the institution's academic board.
The CNAA was becoming increasingly involved, for example, with validation in Scotland.
The CNAA, he had thought at the outset, was something that 'ought to happen'.
The CNAA was acting as a deterrent by preventing difficult decisions from being taken internally.
His interest in education also led to a position on the Council for National Academic Awards.
Their degrees would be validated by the Council for National Academic Awards.
The Council for National Academic Awards is established.
Chapter X recommended the establishment of the Council for National Academic Awards.
In the 1980s he served on the United Kingdom's Council for National Academic Awards.
Doctor of Letters (Council for National Academic Awards, at its last awards ceremony)
Degree-awarding authority resided with the UK council for national academic awards CNAA.
Both old and new examinations received very high rating in the national scheme for the transfer of credits under the Council for National Academic Awards.
The polytechnic soon to be known as the University of Teesside has been granted the right by the Council for National Academic Awards.
Along with this new name came the power for Portsmouth to award degrees, accredited and validated by the centralised Council for National Academic Awards.
In 1987, he was awarded a Higher Doctorate of Science by the UK's Council for National Academic Awards.
From 1992 the Council for National Academic Awards [CNAA]will cease to have a validating role.
Its main focus was on teaching towards post-graduate qualifications awarded by the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA).
Academic degrees in central institutions were validated by the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA) until 1992.
It fails to take account of the practice of the Council for National Academic Awards and the Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council.
At the time Paisley, in common with other Central Institutions and the former Polytechnics, already offered a range of degrees under the Council for National Academic Awards.
All this local authority-financed expansion was subject to the liberal, though very thorough, validation procedures of the newly invented Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA).
Pearson became Treasurer of the degree-awarding body to the Polytechnic sector, Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA) serving from 1983-1992.
Initially, these were validated by the UK Council for National Academic Awards; i.e. in the short period prior to the London Institute gaining degree-awarding powers.
Prof Malcolm Frazer, CChem, FRSC, director, Council for National Academic Awards.
The Council for National Academic Awards was to be established to validate degrees in this rich variety of institutions within the public (that is, the Local Education Authority-controlled) sector.
In the past, only the universities had this power, leaving polytechnics and colleges to award their degrees via the almost defunct Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA).
The various approaches to CPD in the construction industry were reviewed in a report last year for the DOE and the Council for National Academic Awards.
'The visitation of the Council for National Academic Awards takes place on Friday,' Dr Mayfield, Head of Sociology, told the committee.
Under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 the Polytechnic was awarded University status, previously having awarded the degrees of the former Council for National Academic Awards.