Since 2008 to 2012, he has also been member of the Council of Administration of Telemadrid.
The president of Pantheon-Assas is elected by members of the Council of Administration, for a four-year tenure.
On 2 February 1806 he was elected one of the seven senators who composed the Council of Administration within the Senate for that year.
The current Council of Administration was voted (named) on 6 October 2009.
For 1879, he became a part of the Council of Administration.
He was president of the Council of Administration of the newspaper Madrid, in which he published numerous articles on national and international politics.
During his early years, the state was placed under a Council of Administration and closely supervised by the British authorities.
At the head of Paris-Sorbonne is the President, elected by members of the Council of Administration for a four-year tenure.
The initial members of the Council of Administration included the pastors of Sts.
Reigned under a brief Council of Administration, until he reached his majority and was invested with full ruling powers, 17 June 1900.