Also in Money is an investigative report on the Council of Better Business Bureaus and its 138 subsidiaries.
In 1988, the Council of Better Business Bureaus recorded more complaints about retail stores than any other category.
According to the national Council of Better Business Bureaus, you are in fast company when you go out to buy furniture.
Later, he ran the Council of Better Business Bureaus (1972-1979).
He later was an adviser to the Council of Better Business Bureaus in Washington.
"And we've heard from other groups who have similar concerns, including the Council of Better Business Bureaus," he said.
Steven Cole, vice president and general counsel for the Council of Better Business Bureaus, had four suggestions.
The Council of Better Business Bureaus recommends that a charity spend at least 50 percent of its income on the cause itself.
In 2008, he was made a vice president of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc.
The Council of Better Business Bureaus and the South Florida bureau, for example, agreed to pay $4.5 million.