The Council produces a range of affordably priced publications on subjects that matter to families and people who work with them.
The Council produces original research in the form of white papers and regular surveys of its members.
Indeed, the Council produced an analysis of revenue projections and budget cuts that would have prevented tax increases without damaging essential services.
In this connection, I would once more urge the Council to produce a common position on large furnaces as a matter of urgency.
But so far this has not been enough to make the Council produce anything more than declarations of solidarity with those receiving refugees.
However, we would like to ask the Council and Commission to produce an initial evaluation as soon as possible.
As presented, however, what the Council has produced is technically far from convincing.
Will the Council be producing a definition of what is meant by 'security risk'?
The Council has produced little in the way of concrete commitment, but would you be in a position to convince them?
The Council has produced a common position with which we are fairly happy, on the whole.