The Council always restores most of the mayor's library cuts.
The Council restored $14.2 million in operating aid for 34 leading institutions, compared with $11.4 million a year earlier.
The Council restored the money, but the Mayor has not been spending it as this new law would require him to do.
In the end, though, the Council restored no new funds for the public schools.
While the decisions were not final, officials said the Council had restored funds for a number of programs and services important to members' constituencies.
Each year, the Council has either restored the money or persuaded the mayor to do so.
The following day, after hundreds of angry phone calls from residents, the Council restored the funds by agreeing to borrow the money.
The Council later restored $2.3 million to permit retaining half the guards.
The Council has repeatedly restored much of the financing.
More than 30 people urged the Council to restore the old statue.