But other nations hinted they might consider a resolution giving Iraq such a fixed deadline before he would face the "serious consequences" the Council has threatened.
The Council has threatened them, too.
She started writing crime fiction during a legal battle over fumes from a nearby shoemaker during which her local Council threatened her with prison.
But the Council might also threaten to oust Iraq from Kuwait by force, as the Charter allows if it decides that economic sanctions are not effective.
If Iraq fails to comply, the Council threatens "further enforcement mesures under the Charter."
The Council has threatened economic sanctions against Khartoum for its part in the civil war.
The city released the documents after the Council threatened to subpoena them.
The Council has threatened to subpoena any documents it has not received by 5 P.M. today.
The Council also threatened to add timber, among the government's most prized exports, to the list of prohibited goods.
The Council had threatened to subpoena the documents if they were not made available.