The goal of Creative Playthings was to provide simple and beautifully designed toys to promote a child's creativity and imagination.
As Caplan wrote in the first Creative Playthings' catalogue in 1949: "Play has a basic role in the drama of a child's development.
In addition to manufacturing toys for school and home use, Creative Playthings developed children's furniture and outdoor play environments.
In 1966, CBS purchased Creative Playthings as part of its move to corner the educational material and media market.
The relationship with Creative Playthings opened new mass-production possibilities.
In 1949, they named the business "Creative Playthings", which operated until its sale in 1966.
By the 1950s, Creative Playthings had gained international recognition and expanded to become one of the most important manufacturers and suppliers of materials for early childhood education.
How can Creative Playthings' toys in the home do this?
He designed the Xylopipes xylophone children's toy for Creative Playthings.
Jose Miranda, manager of Creative Playthings, which sells playground equipment, says his store attracts customers who were drawn to the shopping center by neighboring tenants.