Like many other northern Cree communities, these traditional activities are more than subsistence, comprising an important part of local culture and identity (Inf.
The local Cree community quickly took to this new writing system.
The inventory, form, and orthography of the script vary among all the Cree communities which use it.
During this period, he worked to improve the often fractious relations between the Quebec government and Cree communities in northern Quebec.
Such activities, however, only accounted for about half the economic activity of the Cree communities in 1970 and less than 20% by the late 1990s.
As in the Cree traditional communities, the whole hamlet became his family.
It also serves the nearby Cree community of Whapmagoostui.
The Cree communities voted in community referenda to accept the Paix des Braves.
The Cree community hopes to attract between 10,000 and 20,000 tourists each year.
When agreement was announced last October, it shocked Quebec's nine Cree communities.