Criticisms by parents ranged from sweets at supermarket checkouts to lack of toilets, changing facilities and unfriendly staff.
Criticism leveled at The Monks of Malabar ranged from muted appreciation to distaste.
Criticism of Silo and the followers of his movement ranges from accusations of building a sect with a strongly authoritarian structure, attempts at silencing ex-members, brain washing, and other common signs associated with cults and their infallible leaders (see external links).
Criticisms ranged from claims that Obama was undeserving, to the fact that he had been nominated only twelve days after his inauguration, to claims that the Nobel Peace Prize is anti-American.
Criticism has ranged from the opinion that Carmichael was excessive in his editing of the source material, to the accusation that some of his sources were fabricated.
Criticisms of it ranged from its damage to the heritage vista to its similarity to a bombed-out war-time bunker due to its "army camouflage" colours.
Criticism of the May 21 prediction ranged from serious critique to ridicule.
Criticism of the ode during the 1980s ranged in emphasis on which aspects of the poem were most important, but critics were mostly positive regardless of their approach.
Criticism from social commentators and educators has ranged from asserting that AAVE is an intrinsically deficient form of speech to arguments that its use, by being considered unacceptable in most cultural contexts, is socially limiting.
Criticisms ranged from accusing the playwright of impiety, to nitpicking over the perceived lack of realism in certain scenes.