They have steadfastly refused to allow Muslims driven from their homes during the war to move back into areas under Serbian or Croatian control.
It was returned to Croatian control during Operation Storm.
Since 1998 and peaceful reintegration under Croatian control, many buildings have been rebuilt, but there are many ruins still in the town.
In August 1995, it was returned to Croatian control following victories by the Croatian army.
Those areas, later better known as the pink zones, were supposed to be restored to Croatian control from the outset of the plan implementation.
It was returned to Croatian control after the war, following the short period of UN administration (1996-1998).
A river island between the two towns is under Croatian control, but is also claimed by Bosnia.
The shooting of the American woman took place in an area under Muslim and Croatian control.
Erdut has been under Croatian control since 1998.
Balloting was to be held for regional assemblies to protect ethnic minority rights once this area returns to Croatian control.