Marulić was active in the struggles against the Ottoman Turks who were invading the Croatian lands at that time.
The union between the two primarily Croatian lands of Austria-Hungary never took place however.
Since 1387, Tvrtko had pretensions to rule the Croatian lands of the Bribir Prince, ancestors across his mother's side as well.
Accepting the royal gifts of lands, the Talovac brothers were for a time the most powerful gentlemen in all of the Croatian lands.
The province was founded in the Croatian lands in the Middle Ages, and its original seal dates from 1393.
The Illyrian movement, while concentrating on Croatian lands, was quite nationally inclusive, as it included many non-Croats.
To take Croatian land and incorporate it in a Greater Serbia can only build more hatred.
The province is one of the original Franciscan provinces founded in the Croatian lands in the Middle Ages.
A4 Serbs settling Croatian lands create an obstacle to peace.
His motives for emigrating to Croatia remain unknown (Croatian lands and Czech lands were part of one empire at the time).