Instead, the Slovenian and Croatian leaderships started preparing plans for secession from the federation.
It said it could not rule out the possibility that the attack had been stage-managed by the Croatian leadership.
The new Croatian leadership, in contrast to past governments, accepted tribunal doctors' findings that he was well enough to stand trial.
At the same time, the Croatian leadership was also challenged by a student movement with even more radical demands.
The Croatian leadership, however, denounced this as an attempt to create a Greater Serbia, and insisted that peacekeeping forces should be on the legal republican borders.
In 2012, the Croatian leadership laid wreaths only at the monument in Tezno.
But the Croatian and Slovenian leadership are no less guilty of fanning nationalist flames.
"Muslims now see no difference between the policies of the Serbian and Croatian leaderships."
In 1996, he was forced to leave Croatia because of his outspoken description of the dismal Croatian leadership, politics and economy.
Instead, it looks set to become the property of the local Croatian political leadership.