He is most famous for being part of an alleged show trial against several Croatian nationalists in 1931.
People here now theorize that this area is far enough away from Croatian nationalists to have escaped much of their influence.
However, as he later complained, his efforts were seriously undermined by the actions of Croatian nationalists who stoked the tension.
The most likely outcome is that hard-line Serbian and Croatian nationalists will retain power in areas they control.
In recent months, the Croatian nationalists have stopped cooperating in the political arrangement set out under the peace accords.
The regime enjoyed support amongst radical Croatian nationalists.
On the other hand his popularity grew among Croatian nationalists.
The bombing was never solved, with several suggested perpetrators, although investigators and historians believe that Croatian nationalists were the most likely.
The authorities later concluded that Croatian nationalists had been responsible.
Dinamo had a fame for being supported by Croatian nationalists.