It was portrayed as a successful struggle by local Serbs to defend their lives and property from the aggression of the Croatian state.
Maybe this makes it more understandable why Serbs do not wish to live in an independent Croatian state.
The Croatian state was edging closer to western Europe and further from the east.
Tomislav is celebrated as the founder of the first united Croatian state.
They saw opportunity to reestablish a Croatian state with help of the West.
From the perspective of international community, the island is part of the Croatian state, according to an internationally recognized border.
Kvaternik planned a revolt months before, since he already made a seal of new Croatian state.
At the beginning of the 1970s he attracted wider attention by claiming Soviet support for his plans of an independent Croatian state.
"The young Croatian state has not yet gotten on its feet," he said.
There are no extant documents showing when Krk became part of the Croatian state.