Crow Dog was one of the leaders who helped popularize the Ghost Dance.
Crow Dog fought in this war, while the man he later killed, Spotted Tail, did not.
Surprising many of the white citizens of the area, Crow Dog returned to court as required.
Crow Dog had a tremendous impact on tribal sovereignty.
Crow Dog was detained and tried for the murder.
Crow Dog was tried in federal court for murder, found guilty, and sentenced to hang.
Crow Dog is a descendant of a staunchly traditional family of medicine men and leaders.
Good Lance, another Crow Dog, began teaching him the ways of a medicine man from an early age.
At the age of seven, Crow Dog was initiated by four medicine men.
Floored by the outpouring of support, the judge ordered that Crow Dog be immediately released.
Crow Dog was one of the leaders who helped popularize the Ghost Dance.
Crow Dog fought in this war, while the man he later killed, Spotted Tail, did not.
Surprising many of the white citizens of the area, Crow Dog returned to court as required.
Crow Dog had a tremendous impact on tribal sovereignty.
Crow Dog was detained and tried for the murder.
Crow Dog was tried in federal court for murder, found guilty, and sentenced to hang.
Crow Dog is a descendant of a staunchly traditional family of medicine men and leaders.
Good Lance, another Crow Dog, began teaching him the ways of a medicine man from an early age.
At the age of seven, Crow Dog was initiated by four medicine men.
Floored by the outpouring of support, the judge ordered that Crow Dog be immediately released.