However, the event has been attended by officials from the city's Public Security agency, the borough of Coyoacán, technical schools and even the Cuban embassy.
Julie: We got the tourist card (visa) in the local Cuban embassy, it was something like $18 dollars.
Your best bet is calling the local cuban embassy or your tour or airline operator and ask them.
Since Bilbao was divorced, the marriage was a civil one only and took place in the Cuban embassy in Paris.
It began 2003 when EU member states invited dissidents to official receptions at their Cuban embassies.
Contacts with the Cuban embassy were good at that time, with the revolution just six years old.
The Cuban embassy located in Miami is a minifortress, built to keep its occupants inside and all intruders out.
There is a Cuban embassy in Australia.
September 22, 1966 - A bazooka attack on the Cuban embassy in Ottawa, Ontario is made.
January 21, 1974: A bomb explodes at the Cuban embassy in Ottawa.