He was the first musician to mix Cuban rhythms with a traditional African beat to create what is now known as Soukous.
The easy fusion of Cuban rhythms and flamenco vocals made this record an international success.
Mr. Ballard, the only member of the group who took no pauses, steered the band through Cuban and jazz rhythms.
But she adds that whatever it is, it is mostly based on Cuban rhythms.
Palmieri experimented by including a touch of jazz in his recordings, and incorporating a popular Cuban rhythm known as mozambique.
"I have to be in Cuba, because of my need to study the Cuban rhythms and their African roots," he continued.
Cuban dance with Cuban rhythms is a distinctive style known throughout Latin America.
Halfway through, the song lifts out of Cuban rhythm into jazz swing, with more arranged harmony, and he savored the shift.
This album mixes world music and ethnic sounds, including Cuban rhythms, mixed with electronic instruments.
The music has a gentle Cuban rhythm related to a slow son, which is the reason it may be best described as a bolero-son.