It was, by most accounts, one of the original Cuban tobaccos that emerged around the time of Columbus.
It has long been illegal to import or sell Cuban tobacco or cigars in the United States.
In 1895, they totaled over $625,000, due almost entirely to the importing of fine Cuban tobacco and the exporting of Tampa-made cigars.
In 1828, Governor William P. Duval introduced Cuban tobacco to the territory of Florida.
Don Pepin's goal is to re-create the Cuban style as closely as possible without using Cuban tobacco.
The pungent reek of black Cuban tobacco gathered in the air between them.
Following the embargo, access to Cuban tobacco was abruptly terminated, forcing every cigar maker to change the blends that they used.
The smell of Cuban tobacco filled the room.
The original Brick House cigars were made using Cuban tobacco.
Their easy conversation and steady laughter are punctuated with short pauses to draw on Pinar cigars, made with imported Cuban tobacco.