Anthony Zayala, 22, of 1415 Curtis Street in Los Angeles, who died at the scene of stomach and back wounds.
At the same time, Curtis Street in Lochdale was closed to commuters.
Curtis Street at Medford is named in remembrance of this ship builder.
Fulton Junior High School is located at 129 Curtis Street and serves grades 7 and 8.
For a full-service hotel downtown, try Embassy Suites Hotel at Denver Place (1881 Curtis Street; 303-297-8888).
I walked around the sad honkytonks of Curtis Street; young kids in jeans and red shirts; peanut shells, movie marquees, shooting parlors.
Temple Emanuel is a historic synagogue at 24 Curtis Street in Denver, Colorado.
It emerges for part of the block between Sacramento and Acton Streets, above Chestnut Street, and again at Curtis Street.
In Fulton, NY 176 gains the moniker of Curtis Street, becoming a two-lane residential street.
In the center of town next to the historic Burdette Building, the highway intersects Curtis Street, which heads east as SC 417.