Cypress Creek, a tributary of the Hillsborough River runs through the property.
Blue Hole and Jacob's Well are located along Cypress Creek.
Thence with County Line to mouth of Cypress Creek.
Cypress Creek and the Tuscumbia River border the property.
In the modern era, all that usually remains visible of the spring is a faint ripple on the surface of Cypress Creek.
Cypress Creek is a popular area for both waterfowl and upland game hunters.
He informs his family that the new job pays better, but involves moving to Cypress Creek.
Lisa goes for a nature walk and discovers that she is allergic to all of the plants around Cypress Creek.
Cypress Creek flows through the preserve offering excellent habitat because of its perennial source of water and vegetative diversity.
Cypress Creek runs down the very center of the marsh, a meander of clear water among the cattails.