To enjoy the full benefit from the federalization; however, Slovakia would have to drastically catch up economically to the industrialized Czech lands.
Only with the Velvet Revolution did those groups join to save the one little piece of Czech land they still had in New York.
They say that the larger Czech lands, with two-thirds of the country's population, are exploiting Slovakia.
The Czech land, my home!
All Czech lands were declared hereditary property of the Habsburg family.
The heyday of Baroque style in the Czech land can be seen in the early 18th century.
This, too, failed to due to opposition from the Hungarian and Italian, and subsequently, Czech lands of the empire.
The second half of the 13th century was a period of large-scale German immigration into Czech lands.
After 73 years of union with Czech lands to the west, the links with people there would seem so dense as to make disentanglement impossible.
Prominent scientists who lived and worked in historically Czech lands include: