In the census of 2011, this number rose to 630,897 (6% of the Czech population).
As the 19th century arrived, resistance to this domination began to develop among the Czech population.
Czech population, which had grown to about 5,000 people, had to leave again.
It did so primarily through the use of a secret radio station, which could reach the Czech population.
Gypsy leaders say the figure is two to three times higher, out of a Czech population of 10.5 million.
Therefore, there is no general knowledge about burial barrows in the Czech population.
Christianity has been on the decline since the 20th century and today only 13.9% of the Czech population still declare themselves Christians.
Almost all of them assimilated into the Czech population.
One way or the other, increasingly local Poles thus assimilated into the Czech population.
Most of the Czech population prefer not responding on religious matters in Census (45.2%).