Letters sent to the Washington, DC office might receive a delayed response due to mail screening and security procedures.
However, the decision was overturned following strenuous arguments on behalf of saving the title within the DC office.
If you have any questions feel free to contact my DC office at (202) 224-3934.
The DC office does not provide assistance with federal agencies (casework).
To set up a tour, please contact our DC office at 202.225.4301.
As with the DC office, internships are solely available for college students gaining credit through an official university internship program.
In 1995 it established its Washington, DC representative office and a new German department.
For further information, contact my Washington, DC office at (202) 225-1510.
He soon bombarded the DC offices with suggestions for new superhero revivals.
We have interns in the DC office and in most state offices as well.