For example, if your business sells tools and hardware, you might consider posting video tutorials showing how to carry out common DIY jobs.
Should they become damaged, replacement is not a DIY job.
This led Building magazine to dub the project 'Britain's biggest DIY job'.
At 14:23 30th Nov 2011, sandysmith8593 wrote: The new site looks like an amateur DIY job and consequently -imo - gives the same impression of the BBC.
TWO cousins started a fire in a tower block to cover up their botched attempts at a DIY job.
I could see it was a DIY job by a snag mark in one of the rear door windows.
I'm not sure what they think of DIY jobs, but they presumably get their kicks from GI Jane and V for Vendetta.
(I know that nowadays make-up artists and manicurists come to the bride's home to beautify her, but nine years ago it was more of a DIY job.)
One of the most satisfying DIY jobs I have just completed is installing a material called StopGap in our ground floor rooms.
If you're unsure of your in-house copywriting or design skills, saving money on a DIY job is likely to be a false economy.