There's an attractive lounge area upstairs and a tiny dance floor in the cave (wine cellar) downstairs with DJ music from the 1980s and 90s.
DJ music was even played over the PA system, getting some fans to dance in the stands.
Many artists credit "Slayed" as a groundbreaking song in British DJ music, for its use of rap and ambient sound.
After some wildly fertile years, instrumental DJ music has hit something of a creative wall, and even at its best it has a limited commercial value.
Known earlier in his career as LX Empire he produced a great deal of what he refers to as "faceless DJ music".
Starting in the mid-1980s, the wedding and banquet business changed dramatically with the introduction of DJ music, replacing the bands that had been the norm.
The blog is intended as kind of a wunderkammer for weird DJ music.
Crews inflated giant domes over the trucks, filling them with DJ music and 52 Xboxes running a dozen new games.
On other nights the DJ music ranges from acid rock to brok.
It's a place to chill out with DJ music until midnight and then kick in when the live music starts up.