Maria Miller, the minister for disabled people, will oversee DLA reform.
The athlete, who won 11 Paralympic gold medals, said: "There is huge concern about the effect of DLA reform.
We spoke to a ex-Tory councillor who quit over proposed DLA reform.
You can read their hugely impressive report on the proposed DLA reforms here.
After yesterday's vote in the Lords, ministers are pushing ahead with DLA reform.
In the Guardian, we publish two pieces for and against DLA reform.
The inclusion of this change in the bill took place before the consultation on DLA reform was completed.
Do you agree with him that the DWP has been pro-actively listening to them on DLA reform?
It analyses over 500 group responses made to the government's consultation on DLA reform - information that we had to get through a freedom of information request.
Last October, the government published a final impact assessment into DLA reform that was almost identical to the original.