A peripheral DMA controller is a feature found in modern microcontrollers.
It is often also connected to a channel of the DMA controller.
A DMA controller can generate addresses and initiate memory read or write cycles.
The DMA controller then provides addresses and read/write control lines to the system memory.
By continually obtaining and releasing the control of the system bus, the DMA controller essentially interleaves instruction and data transfers.
The CPU was accompanied by a 68451 memory management unit and a 68450 DMA controller.
They were interfaced to a host system either through programmed I/O or a DMA controller.
This allows for slightly faster memory access, as the HW1's DMA controller used about 10% of the bus bandwidth.
Register R0 has the special use of holding the memory address for the built-in DMA controller.
It incorporates custom sound hardware and a restricted DMA controller on-die.