First, in 1983 Kary Mullis invented the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique (Nelson, 2000), a method for amplifying DNA concentrations.
However, variation in DNA concentration, at least up to 200 ng of DNA used per reaction, did not result in differences in the profiles.
In order to generate uniform spot morphology and to maximize DNA concentration and consistency for each spot across the array, all products were printed at the same concentration.
Contamination by phenol can significantly contribute to overestimation of DNA concentration.
The Qubit fluorometer uses DNA standards to derive the relationship between DNA concentration and fluorescence.
WGA DNA can be produced in milligram quantities from nanograms [ 10 ] of original sample allowing use of high DNA concentration for optimal signal.
DNA concentration was determined by spectrophotometry.
Optimization conditions tested included the helium pressure, concentration of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), amount of carrier gold and DNA concentration as described previously [ 23 ] .
Under low DNA concentrations, self-ligation is induced to give a circular DNA product.
DNA concentration was estimated using a GeneQuant II apparatus (Amersham Biosciences).