This reaction allows type II topoisomerases to increase or decrease the linking number of a DNA loop by 2 units, and it promotes chromosome disentanglement.
These chromosomes are producing large amounts of RNA for the oocyte, and most of the genes present in the DNA loops are being actively expressed.
In presence of ATP, the protein generates DNA loops while simultaneously generating negative supercoils in the template.
The right image shows two DNA loops generated by ISWI.
Since she did not allow herself to heal, the DNA loops were unable to seal on the genetic re-sequencing, which has damaged the attach nodes.
Contemplate the information in the DNA loop, which created both of these enclaves of high coherence and organization, in primate and insect societies.
When his last affinity command activated them, each organelle released a batch of plasmids (small, artificially synthesised DNA loops) and a considerable quantity of transcription factors, proteins capable of switching genes on or off.
A single molecule study using magnetic tweezers has observed that RSC generates DNA loops in vitro while simultaneously generating negative supercoils in the template.
The center image shows a DNA loop generated by RSC.
This breaks the DNA loop.