The strange DNA material has been found on eight percent of the X chromosomes we've examined.
Around the country, testing of rape evidence and the collection of DNA material from inmates is routine now.
But his tests had found something else, too: none of that DNA material was from the three players, or any of their teammates.
This tortuous journey means that getting enough DNA material from the heart may be difficult.
I don't know why; maybe scientists would say that an extraordinary amount of DNA material is encoded in the horn and survives death.
A section is completed after the player eats a certain amount of DNA material from other life forms.
A portable laboratory was testing for DNA material, among other things, an American official said.
Scientists say that no two people have the same DNA material, unless they are identical twins.
Those who see potential problems in the absolute protection of DNA material also have sound arguments on their side.
DNA material can be transferred between different strains of bacteria, in a process that is called horizontal gene transfer.